Data & 分析

Federal agencies require low-risk, high-tech analytics solutions that deliver innovation and maximize data assets in a safe, 安全, 负责任的态度. Our services include a full range of data and analytics capabilities, from strategy and requirements development to implementation and sustainment. We tailor our proven processes for each organization to increase their level of data maturity, resulting in the most cost-effective solutions fulfilling agency missions.

数据策略 & 体系结构
Establishing analytical vision and designing data solutions to mature capabilities.

领导: Our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and Data Architects formulate strategies and design architectures to help organizations exploit the untapped potential of data. Data stores are valuable within individual systems (vertical silos), but they are often under-utilized across systems (horizontal integration). We provide strategic thought leadership to deliver well-integrated solutions.

适应性强: Using an agile Discovery-Planning-Prototyping-Implementation process, we convert business requirements into usable solutions. Success relies on a sound data strategy and flexible architecture. We work closely with customers to develop adaptable strategies and architectures that conform to their needs and budgets.

方法: Our approach factors in governance and compliance, like Public Law 115-435 (Evidence Act) requiring federal agencies to modernize data management practices. Strong data governance empowers users to make trusted decisions with confidence in accordance with federal mandates. We leverage templates, accelerators, and experience to elevate our customers’ data maturity.

数据库开发 & 工程数据
Creating databases and data pipelines to store, process, and integrate data.

集成: Our Database Administrators and Data Engineers harmonize information across the enterprise by integrating and normalizing data. We identify data sources, 分析数据, 模型的解决方案, build/maintain databases, and ensure compliance with data governance policies to implement robust data integration platforms.

自动化: Building automated data pipelines requires orchestration of tasks for acquiring, 验证, 清洗, and sharing data 安全ly and efficiently. We create repeatable processes to ensure data moves seamlessly from sources to targets through proper distribution channels.

纪律: While tools and technologies are important, tried and true processes are critically important for successful data integration. We confidently apply our data engineering practices to consistently achieve reliable results in terms of timeliness, 质量, 和性能.

Data Analysis, Reporting & 可视化
Analyzing data and communicating information to deliver actionable insights.

分析: Our team of Data Analysts and Business Intelligence (BI) Developers extract insights from data to drive informed decision-making. We collect and 分析数据, develop reports, and provide actionable recommendations to stakeholders.

可视化: Transforming complex data into intuitive visualizations helps stakeholders understand trends and patterns quickly. We utilize visualization tools, UI / UX原则, and advanced techniques to create interactive dashboards that enhance data comprehension.

见解: By diving deep into data, we uncover hidden insights that drive strategic initiatives and improve business performance. Our expertise allows us to identify opportunities for optimization and innovation. We derive insights from data that empowers people to make data-driven decisions, leading to improved efficiency, 节约成本, and competitive advantage in the marketplace.

数据科学 & Hyperautomation
Implementing statistical methods and intelligent automation to scale analytics.

发展: Our Data Scientists and Hyperautomation Engineers develop, 测试, 调优, 部署, and refine models harnessing the analytical power of data and process automation. Data science employs advanced analysis and statistical techniques, while hyperautomation relies on artificial intelligence (AI), 机器学习(ML), and robotic process automation (RPA) to automate complex tasks and routine procedures.

分析: Advanced techniques like clustering, 分类, 回归, and time series analysis can predict outcomes from past events and recommend future actions. We create statistical and AI /毫升-driven models that continuously learn and refine to increase accuracy, optimizing results for ongoing improvement.

解析: We assess environments based on systems, databases, datasets, tools & technologies, and business requirements to tailor the ideal solution stack for our clients’ needs. 利用大数据, AI /毫升, 和战, we assemble a scalable and adaptable approach to deliver intelligent automation.